DSAIL Lab (지도교수: 한진영), CIKM Short paper 채택
- 인공지능융합학과(일반대학원)
- 조회수1906
- 2023-08-14
DSAIL Lab (지도교수: 한진영)의 정주호(인공지능융합학과), 강채원(인공지능융합학과), 윤지우(인공지능융합학과) 학생들이 연구한 논문 “SAFE: Sequential Attentive Face Embedding with Contrastive Learning for Deepfake Video Detection”이 세계 최고 권위 정보검색(Information Retrieval) 및 데이터마이닝 학회인 CIKM 2023 (32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), Short papers에 채택되었습니다. 논문은 23년 10월 영국 버밍엄에서 발표될 예정입니다.
본 논문은 효과적인 딥페이크 비디오 탐지를 위해 딥페이크 비디오 영상 속에서 얼굴의 동적인 특징을 잡아낼 수 있는 SAFE (Sequential Attentive Face Embedding) 모델을 제안하였습니다. 이전의 연구들과 달리, 이 모델은 얼굴에서 나타나는 지역 정보(Local dynamics)와 전체 정보(global dynamics) 모두를 고려하여 비디오 영상의 진위여부를 파악하고, 나아가 contrastive learning을 통해 학습 과정을 최적화하였습니다. 논문의 자세한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
[논문] Juho Jung, Chaewon Kang, Jeewoo Yoon, Simon S. Woo, Jinyoung Han, “SAFE: Sequential Attentive Face Embedding with Contrastive Learning for Deepfake Video Detection,” In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023), Oct. 2023.
The emergence of hyper-realistic deepfake videos has raised significant concerns regarding their potential misuse. However, prior research on deepfake detection has primarily focused on image based approaches, with little emphasis on video-based detection. With the advancement of generation techniques enabling intricate and dynamic manipulation of entire faces as well as specific facial components in a video sequence, capturing dynamic changes in both global and local facial features is crucial in detecting deepfake videos. This paper proposes a novel sequential attentive face embedding, SAFE, that can capture facial dynamics in a deepfake video. The proposed SAFE can effectively integrate global and local dynamics of facial features revealed in a video sequence using contrastive learning. Through a comprehensive comparison with the state-of-the-art methods on the DFDC (Deepfake Detection Challenge) dataset and the FaceForensic++ benchmark, we show that our model achieves the highest accuracy in detecting deepfake videos on both datasets.