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인간AI인터랙션, 사회적 AI, AI 윤리, 디지털 휴먼


  • 커뮤니케이션 박사, University of Southern California
  • 커뮤니케이션 석사, University of Southern California
  • 커뮤니케이션 학사, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


  • 박사후 연구원, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  I Am Not Your Typical Chatbot: Hedonic and Utilitarian Evaluation of Open-Domain Chatbots.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.  n/a,  n/a
  • (2024)  Prosocial Campaigns With Virtual Influencers: Stories, Messages, and Beyond.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.  n/a,  n/a
  • (2024)  Justice behind the virtual mask: The influence of race of the virtual influencer and the creator on promoting the Black Lives Matter movement.  NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY.  n/a,  n/a
  • (2024)  Human or Not?: An Experiment With Chatbot Manipulations to Test Machine Heuristics and Political Self-Concepts.  SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW.  n/a,  n/a
  • (2024)  Can AI Become Walter Cronkite? Testing the Machine Heuristic, the Hostile Media Effect, and Political News Written by Artificial Intelligence.  DIGITAL JOURNALISM.  n/a,  n/a
  • (2023)  Machines As Social Entities (MASE) Scale: Validation of a New Scale Measuring Beliefs in the Sociality of Intelligent Machine Agents.  SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW.  42,  1
  • (2023)  The value of time together: a longitudinal investigation of mentor-protégé interactions in an online game.  INTERNET RESEARCH.  34,  2
  • (2022)  With great power comes great responsibility: inquiry into the social roles and the power dynamics in human-AI interactions.  Journal of Control and Decision.  9,  3
  • (2022)  Human, I wrote a song for you: an experiment testing the influence of machines’ attributes on the AI-composed music evaluation.  COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  131,  n/a
  • (2022)  I Was Born to Love AI: The Influence of Social Status on AI Self-Efficacy and Intentions to Use AI.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION.  16,  n/a
  • (2021)  AI, you can drive my car: How we evaluate human drivers vs. self-driving cars.  COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  125,  n/a
  • (2021)  Artificial intelligence (AI), don't surprise me and stay in your lane: An experimental testing of perceiving humanlike performances of AI.  Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies.  3,  5
  • (2021)  Are you ready for artificial Mozart and Skrillex? An experiment testing expectancy violation theory and AI music.  NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY.  23,  7
  • (2020)  Sexist AI: an experiment integrating CASA and ELM.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.  36,  20
  • (2020)  Why Is Artificial Intelligence Blamed More? Analysis of Faulting Artificial Intelligence for Self-Driving Car Accidents in Experimental Settings.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.  36,  18
  • (2020)  Anthropomorphizing AlphaGo: a content analysis of the framing of Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo in the Chinese and American press.  AI & Society.  35,  3
  • (2019)  Racism, responsibility and autonomy in HCI: Testing perceptions of an AI agent.  COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  100,  n/a
  • (2019)  Artificial Intelligence, Artists, and Art: Attitudes Toward Artwork Produced by Humans vs. Artificial Intelligence.  ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING COMMUNICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS.  15,  2


  • 최고학생논문, NCA Communication and the Future Division, 2021 National Communication Association
  • 최고학생논문, ICA Communication & Technology Division, 2021 International Communication Association
  • 최고학생논문, NCA Communication and the Future Division, 2020 National Communication Association
  • 최고학생논문, ICA Human-Machine Communication Division, 2020 International Communication Association